Friday, 17 February 2012

Raw Veganism Day 1

1 x Black Coffee

Whilst I've been trying to cut down on coffee for months, getting rid of the first one of the day has proven impossible.  I know many raw foodists eschew hot drinks but I have no intentions of making something that I know will be hard completely impossible.

1 x White Silver Needle Tea

This is my super-sexy loose tea mug.  It means I can brew lovely cups of fresh tea, without destroying the brew.  Each serving makes 4-6 cups of tea.  I love it.  This may be a sign I have well and truly left my partying, wild days behind me.....

I've made myself a "Crunch" Box to munch throughout the day.  Today's contains celery and chopped peppers:

There's roughly 4 small celery stalks and half each of a red and yellow bell pepper in there.

1 x Banana
More Tea

It starts approaching lunch time and I feel like I've been eating all morning.  The problem with this sort of diet is that you need to eat rather a lot of food in order to get enough calories so that you don't start fainting all the time or looking like a twig.

1 x Orange
1 x Banana
More Tea

For dinner, I make this:

It consists of about 6 grated carrots, a celery stalk, an onion, a handful of cherry tomatoes, yellow bell pepper and a bit of grated celeriac (I found it in the bottom of my fridge and it looked lonely).  I add plenty of black pepper and a bit of sea salt as I have no idea if the balsamic vinegar or soy sauce in my cupboard are vegan or not *sad face*.

I eat about half of it, then put it down for a bit.  It's hard going eating this much food in one go- I would never have thought that a salad could be filling.  I do get to the bottom of it (eventually).

I finish my first day feeling slightly smug and looking forward to payday when I can buy some slightly more exciting food.

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