Wednesday, 23 June 2010

I Am Officially a Puny Little Weakling

And I don't just mean literally.

Well, it's not just that I'm not very strong because although that is true and I will not be winning any arm wrestling competitions any time soon I am a bit tougher than I look. However I am hampered my my tiny child-sized hands when it comes to any heavy lifting. I'm not even joking about that, I can buy gloves from the kid's department in any store and they will fit perfectly. Whereas the lady-sized ones always hang off the ends of my fingers. It is strange to me how someone with such a big arse could have such tiny hands and feet but there you go. Sometimes I wonder how it is that I don't topple over everywhere I go but I suppose I would have to understand Scientific Things for that, which is never going to happen.

The above state of being feeble is largely due to the fact that I caved in today and after two weeks of being Facebook-Free, I reverted to the dark side. Nothing has changed and I don't know if many people even noticed that I have been away. Within about ten minutes of being back, I was being poked so maybe some people did, I have no idea. What I do know is that I haven't really missed the rather more mundane aspects of it. Reading the updates of people who regularly feel the need to inform everyone they know what they are having for dinner does not make my life any more exciting. Which is a shame because if it did, I would be in a permanent state of excitement I think. I have thought of culling friends in the past, but that seems a little mean, simply because I don't have too much in common with them other than we sat in the same classroom for a couple of years over half a lifetime ago......

Which is the problem I have with it all I think.....

Facebook has opened up a whole new type of social etiquette. You make friends with people you are actually friends with, and who you see on a regular basis. There isn't a huge amount of point to your Facebook friendship with them because you see them all the time anyway and you have their phone numbers if you need to talk to them. You also make friends with people you know, that you aren't actually friends with. It always amazes me the amount of people who have friend requested me that I wasn't particularly pleasant to the last time I saw them. I'm not saying I was a bully or anything at school, but as all children are, I was mean to some people. I don't get why they would want to be "friends" with me again now? Unless it's because they are having a great time and want to show off their great lives to the people who poured scorn on them years ago but then if that is the case, why would they care enough to make the effort? Maybe I am just some sort of antisocial crazy person who thinks too much about these things but I do find other people and their motives totally confusing sometimes.

I have, I am pleased to say, used Facebook to catch up with some very old and dear friends who I now don't see very often if at all but the Interweb has brought us together again and it is these friends that keep me coming back in all honesty. I also use it to stay in touch with my family who live at the opposite end of the country, so it useful for that too. I also have friends who live in other countries, who managed to escape the shackles of Southampton. God, I am jealous of them sometimes.

The problem is, that really, I would like to only keep the people with whom I really want to stay in touch with on my friends list. But I can't remove everyone else because that would be just rude, and an admission that I only really accepted their friend request in the first place because I was curious to know what had happened to them, but beyond that, I'm not really interested. I actually feel pretty bad about it!

Am I a bad person?


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