Monday, 9 July 2007

Things That Make Me Smile...!!

I am not going to give up the moaning.
However, I've been organising my blog and reading my posts back and I thought that perhaps it wouldn't hurt to bring a little sunshine into my rather gloomy and self-obsessed world.

The following is a list of things that make me smile-
  1. My beautiful, funny, smart girlfriend
  2. My pets
  3. South Park
  4. Long Lie-Ins
  5. Going to run a bath and discovering that the person before me has cleaned it out themselves and not left a layer of hair and dirt for me to clean.
  6. Jammie Dodgers
  7. Being inside when it's raining outside
  8. Vodka
  9. Getting to the end of the month, and realising that I have money left
  10. Salt and Vinegar Kettle Chips
  11. Popcorn
  12. Sunbathing
  13. Laughing so hard it makes me cry
  14. Answering the door to discover it IS a friend and NOT a Jehovah's Witness or a sweaty salesman
  15. Top Gear

This is not an exhaustive list, but it pretty much sums up the things I can think of right now. All these things make me happy and to be honest, although I do use my blog to rant and rave, I have a lot of laughter in my life.

I enjoy life very much, but I believe in Living. I like experiences that make me feel things, be it good or bad. I don't tend to do things in half-measures, which is perhaps why when things go wrong, it feels like the Universe is imploding around me. I just wanted to inject a little bit of positivity into my musings.

Now, back to being cross........

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