Sunday, 20 May 2007

Betty! I'm Having A Bit of Bother......

Today I am in a crappy mood.
I didn't wake up in a crappy mood, but going to work managed to eliminate any slight bit of jollity from my day. Working on Sundays should be illegal. Unless you're a fireman or drive an ambulance or a waiter or something essential like that. I just really object to having to put up with other people enjoying their weekends off. It's depressing.
I have worked Sundays for about a year now, and they never fail to make me feel miserable. Up until then, I always managed to avoid them, feigning religious conviction. Although, to be honest, I DID feel pretty religious about not having to work on Sunday.
Since the dawn of my fragile being, I have always believed that Sundays were special. I have never felt guilty about spending the entirety of the day lounging in bed, only to be disturbed by the persistent call of the Sunday Roast. After which I would have an inevitable afternoon nap, followed by more lounging.
Instead, although I get a lie-in, I have to work. Largely because if I failed to turn up, the staff wouldn't get paid. Seriously, because I have to email their wages off to the accountant and if they don't get sent, the staff don't get paid. This doesn't affect me, as I am on a salary because I am Management. Although, according to a particularly rude customer yesterday, I am not Real management because I am a Girl. These people are still living in Medieval times and would probably turn up for a public stoning in the carpark behind the bingo hall, as long as it;

  1. Didn't interrupt Bingo and,
  2. Had free tea and coffee.
I hate Them.
I have to keep reminding myself that their opinions aren't important, even though they are delivered with absolute conviction and much volume, as these people are pond scum (on their best days). This is a difficult mantra to repeat day after day after mind-numbingly boring day but I am trying really hard to keep it up.
One day, I will have my cake AND eat it (without getting fat!). One day, this will all be part of a long and ever so slightly amusing anecdote that I bore my grandchildren stupid with.
I hope.......

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