Friday, 25 May 2007

Probably The Last Post I Will Ever Write.....

Oh. My. God.
My girlfriend is 'experimenting' in the kitchen.
It's my fault. I've been preparing my own meals since I was about thirteen and I've got a fairly cavalier attitude to cooking. It's a long process of trial and error, and after over ten years of messing about in the kitchen, I can bash a pretty decent meal out, even if all we've got in the cupboard is baked beans and a kitchen roll tube.
Recently, I've been trying out a lot of new things as I've been dieting and trying to eat much more healthily. This has gone down pretty well with she of the chocolate and cake addiction, and at this very moment, she is herself, in the kitchen chopping vegetables and asking me to explain how to cook rice.
The rice is easy, as fortunately for my saucepans, we have a steamer which turns out perfect rice every time. As she doesn't have to touch it, I think it'll be fine. I'm not sure about the rest of it though. On the surface, it's simply a combination of vegetables and beans. All she has to do is stir-fry them and then add the rice at the end........
Hmmmmm. The thing is, when you've spent a lot of time cooking a variety of different things, you can just look at stuff and know whether its cooked or not. Or if you should turn the heat up/down/call the fire brigade. It's really hard to explain to another person, particularly a person who has spents the vast majority of their adulthood surviving on take-aways and Mr Kipling's finest produce.
I'm going to either have to trust her- and in so doing risk the well-being of my stomach lining, or interfere and destroy what little confidence she has. She's pretty good at chips and pasta and basic stuff like that but tonight's fare really is going to be a step-up, I just hope she can rise to the challenge.....
Actually, maybe I'm just being a tiny bit patronising. It'll be fine, I'm sure. Why am I worrying? Maybe it's because I'm so used to the kitchen being Mine. If I'm honest, I'm probably feeling slightly threatened by somebody venturing into My Territory. If I don't do the cooking in the household, I might end up having to do the cleaning- and That would be awful!! Oh No!!
I can't imagine anything worse that being responsible for things like taking the rubbish out and Polishing. Urgh!!
Oh well, hopefully this is just going to be a pleasant experience and isn't going to rock the foundation of my home life.........

I Hate You Super Mario!

As I previously mentioned, I recently acquired a Gameboy DS. I've been pretty much attached to it since I bought it, and I love my new hand-held gaming console very much.
However, today, whilst near the end of New Super Mario Brothers, I got so engrossed in the level I was stuck in, I forgot to pay attention to the amount of lives I had left. As a consequence, I murdered Mario, and although I got a continue, I have lost ALL my accumulated points. It's very annoying when you've invested a lot of time in a game and something like this happens. Needless to say, I am now very cross- not only with the game but with myself, because I shouldn't feel this emotional about a child's computer game.
I genuinely felt like launching the damn thing out of the window. Luckily my girlfriend was on hand to prevent me from doing anything so stupid and I very nearly murdered her too..... Over Super Mario! God!! That would have made an interesting headline.....
I wonder if anyone has actually been a real-live victim of computer-game rage... The thing is, I can quite feasibly see it happening. I'm usually a fairly rational (if admittedly bad-tempered) person and yet the little red moustached man nearly made me have a full blown screaming match with another human being- simply because they were in the room at the same time as he pissed me off!
Dear me.....

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Betty! I'm Having A Bit of Bother......

Today I am in a crappy mood.
I didn't wake up in a crappy mood, but going to work managed to eliminate any slight bit of jollity from my day. Working on Sundays should be illegal. Unless you're a fireman or drive an ambulance or a waiter or something essential like that. I just really object to having to put up with other people enjoying their weekends off. It's depressing.
I have worked Sundays for about a year now, and they never fail to make me feel miserable. Up until then, I always managed to avoid them, feigning religious conviction. Although, to be honest, I DID feel pretty religious about not having to work on Sunday.
Since the dawn of my fragile being, I have always believed that Sundays were special. I have never felt guilty about spending the entirety of the day lounging in bed, only to be disturbed by the persistent call of the Sunday Roast. After which I would have an inevitable afternoon nap, followed by more lounging.
Instead, although I get a lie-in, I have to work. Largely because if I failed to turn up, the staff wouldn't get paid. Seriously, because I have to email their wages off to the accountant and if they don't get sent, the staff don't get paid. This doesn't affect me, as I am on a salary because I am Management. Although, according to a particularly rude customer yesterday, I am not Real management because I am a Girl. These people are still living in Medieval times and would probably turn up for a public stoning in the carpark behind the bingo hall, as long as it;

  1. Didn't interrupt Bingo and,
  2. Had free tea and coffee.
I hate Them.
I have to keep reminding myself that their opinions aren't important, even though they are delivered with absolute conviction and much volume, as these people are pond scum (on their best days). This is a difficult mantra to repeat day after day after mind-numbingly boring day but I am trying really hard to keep it up.
One day, I will have my cake AND eat it (without getting fat!). One day, this will all be part of a long and ever so slightly amusing anecdote that I bore my grandchildren stupid with.
I hope.......

Friday, 18 May 2007

The Problem With Blogging pt 2

I read quite a lot of other blogs.
It's really interesting to me to see what Other People are using theirs for. Mine is a sort of diary/forum for whinging where nobody tells me to 'shut-up and stop being so negative'! Although if anybody apart from me was reading this, they would have the opportunity to do so via the comments I suppose.
My blog is essentially for my own personal use. I do not have links to lots of other sites, and have no intention of becoming a fully fledged member of the blogging community. I choose to remain as anonymous as possible because although I don't have a problem with anybody reading what I have to say, I don't really want them to know who I am. This could lead to my editing myself, when I started this blog with the intention of using it to free my mind and say whatever I'm thinking at any given time. I don't care if what I have to say offends or upsets anybody because nothing that they retaliate to my commentary on my life with could be personal, because they know very little about who I really am. That being said, if anybody who knew me read my musings, they would know that they were mine, but of course, they couldn't prove it without a picture of me grinning inanely in the top corner and a detailed map to my house in the profile.
The thing I find strange about many of the other blogs I have been perusing is that most people seem to use them as a way of broadcasting their existence to the world. They have friends and family leaving comments and hundreds of visitors, all zooming in to view the latest video clip of their baby/cat/boyfriend. I'm fairly different in the sense that, as yet, I have failed to post a single photograph from my life. That's something I may do in the future- but it certainly won't be of me or my family.
In this day and age, simple things like your name, address and date of birth have become valuable commodities. In Britain, we are caught on cctv anything up to several hundred times a day! When you compare that to America, where the average is seven times, that statistic becomes pretty scary. I don't understand why it has become so necessary for Big Brother to see what we're doing all the time, but apparently most people haven't read 1984, and nobody seems to be that bothered. In this age of technology, you can't stay hidden from anyone. Which is why I won't be posting my name on my blog. Nobody needs to know who I am in this little world, and to be honest, by remaining anonymous, anybody reading this is much more likely to get a realistic version of what's really going on in my head. It's the one place that I don't have to maintain a fabulously groomed exterior or pretend I don't fart!

The Problem With Jogging

I have recently taken up jogging.
If you knew me, you would currently be rolled up in a ball on the floor, laughing uncontrollably. Yes, heavy smoking, hard drinking, poor eating little old me is getting up first thing in the morning and going for a run!
The strange thing is, I've always looked upon joggers with more than a little disdain. When I was in my early teens, hanging round in parks with my friends, drinking cider, I was always the first to break into a chorus of 'Keep on Running' as they puffed and panted past.
It's not that I've really got anything against joggers, it's just that they always look like they're taking themselves extremely seriously, when they aren't really doing anything that warrants quite that much self-importance. I've realised since I've taken it up myself, that running for any length of time involves a huge amount of will power and concentration! It's actually REALLY hard.
Last Saturday, I was out at 8am. I live near a river which has a path running alongside it, and to be honest, it's beautiful in the morning. I have an excuse to be out that early on a weekend, as I work them anyway so getting up a couple of hours earlier isn't really a big deal. Anyway, as I was puffing along, there were people out playing pitch and putt on the miniature golf course! At 8am on a Saturday! I didn't realise that ANYBODY could possibly be that mad. To top it off, a family then passed me, coming the other way. Mum and daughter were motoring along on a pair of pushbikes and Dad was sprinting alongside, whilst pushing baby in the pram. Bonkers!
Being up and out early in the morning has opened up a whole new world for me. One that I was totally unaware existed in the first place AND, it's less that a mile from my home!
Trying to be healthy is one of my latest whims. Its lasted for over three days though so I'm fairly proud of my ability to stick with this one. I couldn't promise that something more interesting isn't going to catch my eye though. The main problem I have with any form of exercise is that it's all repetitive and pretty boring. You can start a fitness programme with the best intentions in the world, but after a few weeks of the same old thing it becomes a lot harder to find any sort of motivation. Even if I stick this out through the summer, by this time in six months, the mornings will be dark, cold and wet and my duvet is going to be a far more appealing place to be....

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Why I Have A Short Attention Span...

I admit it!
Last week, when I first discovered blogging, I was writing a new one every day. It seemed that inspiration was jumping out at me, everywhere I went.
However, on Friday, something happened that changed all that. I bought a Nintendo DS! It's brilliant and I haven't put it down apart from when I'm working or sleeping.
I've always been a bit usesless at sticking with things so this will probably be my last blog for at least two weeks, when I will no doubt get bored of my new toy. Then it will be confined to it's box for the rest of eternity like everything else I've ever bought on a whim...
Hey ho, not bored of it yet though so I'd better get back to it!!