Thursday, 26 April 2007

The Problem With Having A Brilliant Little Brother

My brother is brilliant.
It's not that he's just cool or clever or successful. He's almost a genius but without any of the social awkwardness normally associated with people who are Very Clever Indeed.
He has a beautiful, brilliant girlfriend who is tall and blonde and almost as brilliant as he is. I am sure that one day in the future, they will be the proud parents to a small army of blonde, blue-eyed beautiful, brilliant children.
He has a degree now, which he managed to sail through without any stress or worry whatsoever. Naturally, he got a first in subjects that I didn't understand and frankly couldn't pronounce if I did know what they were. He's got a job fiddling about with computers for which he earns a lot more than me, even though I am Management and have worked (very hard) for the same company for over six years.
Since we were little, anything that I could do, he could do better, faster and in a generally more productive and/or creative way. Even the tantrums he threw as a toddler were more spectacular, people in China could hear him screaming when he didn't get his own way.
I attempted to learn guitar, and am still struggling with the same four chords over ten years on. During the same time-scale, he has mastered guitar, can riff like Jimi and hasn't bothered playing his for ages as he is now 'bored' with it as there isn't really much more for him to learn.
We used to go to karate. I gave up after a little while because I got fed up with getting beaten up by the bigger kids during 'sparring' sessions. He is now a super-duper black-belted teaching person who could probably kill you with his big toe whilst filling in the Times crossword and fixing your computer all at the same time.
The problem with having a brilliant little brother isn't really jealousy as such (any more). I always felt a huge amount of pressure to succeed when I was a child, especially as I was the eldest. I was meant to set an example for him to 'look up to'. Ha! He has surpassed me in nearly everything I have ever attempted to do. Although my extended family would never say as much, I know they all breathed a collective sigh of relief when he finished university. My parents only had one 'failure' who was obviously just a blip on the radar, leading up to the bright shining light that is my younger sibling.
The Real problem is that I am always forgetting that he really doesn't need me to attempt to look after him any more. I love him very much and am so proud of his many achievements. The last time we went out for a drink, I insisted on paying for him as I still think of him as a poor student, even though he hasn't been for a long time and has a bigger salary and less bills to pay than I do!
The Real problem is that at some point, I am going to have to allow him to look after me. In the future, no doubt, he will be the one buying the expensive presents whilst I try and scrabble the pennies together for a Cd and some socks for him. He will be the one that makes sure 'they' don't put me in a home before I'm ready. And, he will be the one going to the bar while I get smashed for free!!
Actually, that doesn't sound too bad.........!

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