My Internet keeps breaking down.
It's really annoying.
I want to break things. (That aren't my computer because it might start working again if I'm nice).
Ho Hum.
At least I've had a productive day I suppose and I've actually remembered to start writing my blog again which has lapsed woefully over the last year. Which is partly because Facebook isn't working again today and won't let me do anything I want to do.
Maybe this will inspire me to actually leave the house occasionally and catch up with some of the friends I've been neglecting too.
F**K IT!!
I know, I'll use my time to do something amazingly fun and exciting.
Or I could just sit here writing drivel seeing as all my creativity seems to have been completely sucked out of me. At least I know nobody's reading this, probably because I am rather erratic when it comes to remembering to post, and also because I mainly write drivel, which isn't the sort of thing I read when I've got nothing better to do. So I can't really expect anybody else to want to read it either.
I've been thinking about my life a lot recently. When I was in my teens, I really thought I'd have things sorted out by now. I was going to be rich and famous, live in a big house and not have to worry about crap stuff like bills and hanging out the washing that is currently sitting in it's basket staring at me. It hasn't quite gone according to plan although the things that have gone well have beaten my expectations by miles.
What I did think I might actually do (big house in the country and my own line of soft drinks aside) was to actually be earning money for doing fun, creative things. I regret bitterly that I've managed to sustain my complete inability to properly see anything through. And, indeed, my abject laziness, which is probably the thing that holds me back the most.
The only thing I have really sustained is my amazing ability to moan at great length about the fact that nothing seems to be working out by itself.
I don't think I can get paid for that.......